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Education/Faith/Worship/Spiritual Development/Gospel Service Minitries


The Church's catechetical mission aims to help the faithful of all ages to grow in both human and Christian maturity, enriching the whole of life with the leaven of the Gospel. Consequently, appropriate goals and content will embrace all the faith dimensions—for example, understanding and communicating the faith, skills needed for personal growth, the experience of family life, relationships, public service, and concern for the common good.


Faith formation ministry must engage the particular needs and interests of the adults in each local community. To be faithful and effective it will offer, over time, a comprehensive and systematic presentation and exploration of the core elements of Catholic faith and practice—a complete initiation into a Catholic way of life. It will do so in a way that is accessible to all ages, helping them to form a Christian conscience and to live their lives in the world as faithful disciples of Jesus..


This integration of actual life experience, the study of Scripture, and the teaching of the Church's tradition will create a vibrant learning environment. It will also challenge the creativity of those who establish the direction, plan the content, and provide programs of adult faith formation. Meeting the challenge will be both demanding and rewarding. Our Lady of the Visitation offers the following:




2023-2024 CCD Registration Information

2023-2024 Calendar

Parent/Student Handbook



The Faith Formation Center's function is to teach all public school children in grades one through eight about God, Jesus, and His teachings. It prepares them to become active members of the Catholic Church. They learn and understand how to proclaim the Christian message by knowing, loving and living the Life of Jesus as found in the Sacred Scriptures and the basic teachings of the Church, to build community, to worship and pray and to serve. It also prepares the children enrolled in the Faith Formation program and in Visitation Academy to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation. 

Each grade has its' own age approved curriculum which is reviewed by the Director of Religion. The program runs from September until May. Classes are offered on Sunday morning, Monday afternoon, and Monday evening.


Name of Ministry: Faith Formation / Catechetical Ministry for Public School Children  

Phone: 201-265-3812
Email: CCD Secretary -


Ministry Purpose:
To catechize children and provide necessary support for parents of the parish community in order that they may fulfill their role as primary religious educators of their children.


People served:     
All registered Public School families of Our Lady of the Visitation and their children grades 1 thru 8.


Work / Service:

Provide public school children of Our Lady of the Visitation with excellent Religious Education, spiritual formation.


When / How Ministry meets:     
Grades 1 thru 6 meet from September to May once a week. Grades 7 and 8 meet from September to April once a week. Classes meet at Our Lady of the Visitation Parish in the school building.


Classes held in Visitation Academy School:
Sunday, 9:00am - 10:15am - Grades 1 thru 6
Monday, 3:45pm - 5:00pm - Grades 1 thru 6
Monday evening, 7:00pm - 8:30pm - Grades 7 and 8



Time Commitment:
Catechists - Catechists put in the classroom time as stated above plus advance preparation at home, about one hour. 

Adult Supervisory Aides: Take attendance, assist catechists in the virtual classroom


Specific Gifts / Talents Required of Volunteers: 
Catechists need a good sense of faith and a willingness to share it, prayerfulness, love of children, patience and an ability to set boundaries.

Adult Supervisory Aides & Hall Monitors need a sense of commitment to the time and service involved in their duties.






Contact the Faith Formation office for information on the following ministries;


Confirmation program

Catechist Information

Faith Formation Program (CCD)

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